Saturday, November 14, 2009
Tea Parties and Tickets
Somehow I seem to find that I tend to post more during the weekends...
Today I got dragged out of bed at 9.30 (not literally, but y'know). Early much? I mean I never wake up at nineish on a Saturday. So yeah I had to wake up that early because I had to go to Basingstoke to collect the New Moon tickets because I can't make it.
I spent like an hour in Basingstoke- that's probably the least amount of time I've ever spent in that hell hole. After I went to Vue to collect the tickets, I had to look around for a cheapish costume I could wear to Amy's tea party later on today... So I decided to go to Primark. I got some white/cream ribbed tights for £3 and also this red and black dress with these cute gold buttons on for only a fiver! I was dressing up as the White Rabbit so yeah, had to have stuff like that. But the dress is pretty sweet so I can wear it normally as well.
On the way back from Basingstoke, my mum was having a go at me saying how I wasn't responsible enough and should start acting like an adult more, blablablablaaaaa.
When I got home... First thing I went to check was the post. And guess what? Front row Jonas Brothers tickets had arrived! I screamed for ages and did a little happy dance and rushed upstairs to change for Amy's. I wore the new dress, the new pair of tights and a cream cardigan from Bloomingdale's to go with the tights.
I arrived late at Amy's as we were stuck in traffic on the way back from Basingstoke and when I got to her house, she wasn't even ready yet haha and made us all wait in the living room. Once she came downstairs, she opened her cards and presents. When she opened the present Clare, Natalie, Robyne and I got for her, she made the biggest shriek ever. We got her a life size cut out of NICK JONAS. It was freakin' expensive, hence the fact we shared the price. I also got her a load of treasures from Artbox. We had fun eating cute little cakes and watching telly with Nick Jonas. The cut out is massive and it seriously looks like a real person if you're not looking directly at it! Freaky. When Clare, Hannah, Sian and Robyne had gone home, Natalie, Kelly, Amy and I (along with Amy's siblings) watched a ton of Hannah Montana. Man, why did Miley have to pick Jake Ryan over Jesse in the "He Could Be the One" episode yesterday? Jesse is pure LOVE.
Got home, slept a little, ate dinner and then watched X Factor. Hopefully Lloyd is going tomorrow, he's bloody terrible!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
'When My World Wakes Up Today You'll Be In Another Town'
Today I puked in the early hours of the morning, so I went to the doctors... She said she doesn't know what is wrong with me because I don't have any "visible symptons" or something like that but I keep on throwing up... Nice. So when I got home, I slept for the day, then watched the latest episode of Gossip Girl. Oh my God, best episode so far in season 3. WOW. I loved it. Jenny's a slag- thinking she rules Upper East Side, when she's a nobody from Brooklyn. And Nate... Well what can I say about the lovely Nate- phwoar and a Vanderbilt, is that not perfection? Oh my God, even when I spell "Vanderbilt" on my computer, it doesn't come up with a red squiggly line for a spelling error. Did they get put into the dictionary or soemthing? And his cousin Trip in that episode about Serena.. Wow? I like him though, he's got a nice vibe. Haha and the threesome, that was just hilarious. H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S.
But yetserday was the most horrible day at school. English first thing on a Monday is torture, plus I'm so behind because I missed some lessons last week and everyone's like finished annotating their stories and there's just me who's got like nothing. Then we were meant to have Jeffrey but we have somme ISA next week, so we had Mrs Green instead because we need to catch up so much and there's like no time. It was hilarious though becasue she got so angry with the class and she just through the pen and paper on the floor and stormed out of the classroom. She would have never come back, if it weren't for Katherine going to the staffroom and asking her to come back. Double German was alright... Believe it or not, but German seems to be the only lesson I kind of look forward to going to at school. And IT was really bad as well because I'm so behind due to missing lessons and then I had a maths test. It was probably one of the hardest maths test I've ever done.
So now I'm doing M.U.N. research and I seriously cannot find anything! And plus it's tomorrow! I can't wait though because I'll be able to see Megan and it'll be kinda fun, but the thought of the actual process is nerveracking- especially when you have zero research.
Aww, I love the second drawing of all those gorgeous Louboutins. My goodness gracious Lord, I saw the most BEAUTIFUL Louboutins in Saks Fifth Avenue. They were proper heaven. A cream satin material, with a hint of shimmer with the most amazing embelishment I've ever seen on a pair of shoes. I want those babies so bad.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
'Give Me A Photograph To Hang On My Wall'
Short post today as I have to revise for physics and maths in a minute, but.... I'VE GOT FRONT ROW TICKETS FOR THE JONAS BROTHERS ON FRIDAY THE 20TH and I'm going on Saturday as well. My God, I am overly happy it's craaazy.
And also, Taylor was absolutely amazing yesterday on SNL, she was such a good host. Loved the "Monologue" song with the references to Joe, Kanye and 'the werewolf from Twilight'! And then the skit with her and the bad driving, when she shouts out 'MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM' is absolutely hilarious. Taylor, words simply cannot describe how much I love and admire you.
How beautiful does the Rockefeller look in the first video?!
And also, Taylor was absolutely amazing yesterday on SNL, she was such a good host. Loved the "Monologue" song with the references to Joe, Kanye and 'the werewolf from Twilight'! And then the skit with her and the bad driving, when she shouts out 'MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM' is absolutely hilarious. Taylor, words simply cannot describe how much I love and admire you.
How beautiful does the Rockefeller look in the first video?!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
'And I Knew From The First Note I Played I'd Be Breaking All The Rules To See You'
The day has arrived. It's Saturday the 7th of November.. TAYLOR ON SNL !!!! Haha apparently they're definitely making at least one reference to the whole Kanye thing. But I don't really mind, just shows how much of a douche he is.
Today I woke up with a lovely surprise... Fearless: Platinum Edition had arrived! I ordered it like two weeks ago, everyone else's copy had arrived about a week ago.. But NO, mine just had to be late. Oh wells, at least I have it now. I've been engrossed in watching the DVD with all the backstage scenes, it's amazing. But one bad point: the case smells like celery!
I woke up pretty late today, at midday. So I had lunch and because I'm such a good daughter, I made my parents' lunch as well. Decided to tidy my room, but didn't really get round to clean anything. All I got round to doing was just order a load of magazines and put up a Hermes poster in the inside of my wardrobe. It's actually one of those promotional things I got in Elle, but I thought it looked rather groovy, so I kept it and I've finally put it up. On the reverse side, it's like this really cute map thing, but I thought the side with the photos of the models was much sexier.
Anyway, it sucks because everyone is going to The Views tonight for fireworks and I can't go because I'm "ill". So my alternative: eating pizza and watching X Factor, also getting all hyped up for SNL. Doesn't sound too bad for me right? Especially as I am currently and invalid.
I need to buy Amy's birthday present soon as it's her birthday this coming Friday! Also, need to find something to wear to her's as it's an Alice in Wonderland inspired tea party.
Friday, November 6, 2009
'You Smile That Beautiful Smile And All The Girls In The Front Row Scream Your Name'
Firstly, I hope you like the new header thing above (^^). I spent ages making it in Photoshop, incorporating a load of stuff I love and cute images into one collage. Screams out one word: EFFORT.
I've come to realise that I am an absolutely crap Blogger. Haven't posted in a week, I've been so busy, plus I was I've been ill for the past couple of days.
So carrying on from last week's post...
Went to Clare's Halloween party which was really good. God a lot of shots on my camera which are all on Facebook. Had a laugh there and was absolutely knackered when I got home.. On Halloween I went round Hannah's with a group of people and we ordered some pizza, watched Road Trip 2 and then played Guitar Hero. Sunday I just stayed at home and revised a little for the mock exams.
Completely forgotten what happened on Monday.. Oh yeah, had a ethics mock which was a load of bull. Also had a German test in my new German class and that was it really. Tuesday I was ill (suspected food poisoning) so didn't go in. Wednesday had chemistry mocks, got the German test results back- got an A which I'm quite happy about. Thursday, ill again and today I was as well. I threw up around four this morning which was horrible. Haven't puked in about six years so I was like woah. Also, can't really go out because I'm ill, so I've missed out on loads of stuff as it's the time of the year for fireworks.
On the plus side, I'm screaming inside as The Jonas Brothers concert is in two weeks AND, Amy and I might be able to get front row/second row seats to the Friday show as well as the Saturday show we're already going to. ANXIETY. Ahh, fun, fun, fun, double Jonas! Also, hopefully going to go Taytay stalking before the Saturday show.
But I found out a major bummer, might not be able to go to Miley as we come back from the German trip on the night of the concert.
Anyway, how cute are these precious babies?
AND, AND, AND.. SNL TOMORROW!!!! Way excited because of Taylor and the fact that I've been to the studio! Well outside the studio haha. Okay, well it'll be Sunday morning for me, but still I cannot wait. It's going to be amazing.
Friday, October 30, 2009
'Everytime You Smile, I Smile and Everytime You Shine, I'll Shine For You'
Oh dear... Not so consistent at blogging am I?
So it's been half term this week, but I haven't done much really. Barely done any homework/coursework/revision and not seen friends that much, yet slobbed around the house loads. Lazy arse.
Events of the week..
- Megan said Miley tickets came through the post! Cannot wait! Fish lips much on the ticket picture huh?
- Started to do my English coursework.. I'm about 3/5 through.
- Went to Clare's yesterday to do work on Modern United Nations... But failed to do much work obviously. Went and hung around in Elvetham instead and had a deodrant fight with Kelly, Clare, Robyne, Hannah, Mason, Ewan, Ian, Matt and Ellie kind of haha- hilarious!!!
- Went to Kelly's for a movie night with some of the girls and guys and watched Road Trip hahah.
- Today I had a blood test! It hurt so much! I mean my last blood test was fine, but this time the lady was crap! And it was horrible. Also had an X-ray.
And tonight I have a Halloween partaaay round Clare's :) Gonna be craaaazy! There's like 9 girls and 16 guys haha. Ordered a skirt of ASOS to wear to it and I'll find a top to team it up with. I'm going as the most ORIGINAL thing in the world... A fairy lol. But my wings I ordered online haven't arrived yet! So I'm gonna have to borrow Clarey's :)
Need to shower and stuff..
See you soon
P.S. YESSSSS. Tay is number one on the iTunes US singles chart with Jump Then Fall!! Also like all her other new songs are in the top ten.. Wooow.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
'It Rains When You're Here and It Rains When You're Gone'
Somehow the six new Taylor tracks got leaked online... Surprise, surprise?! So I've listened to them, and I FREAKIN' LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's nearly been a year since Fearless was out (November 11th), so yeah.. Anticipation! The re release of Fearless comes out tomorrow :)
The six new songs are:
- Jump Then Fall
- Untouchable
- Forever & Always (Piano Version)
- Come In With the Rain
- SuperStar
- The Other Side of the Door
I know Untouchable and Come In With the Rain are older songs that haven't been released before, but it was still exciting hearing them! God I sound sad hahaha. The piano version of Forever and Always is heart breaking. In the original version, Tay sounds pretty angry about Joe and all that, but in this version, she sings with so much more emotion and you can really see how much he meant to her. Definitely going to try and learn it on piano! Jump Then Fall is so sweet as well, her voice sounds so cute! As well as SuperStar and The Other Side of the Door. Ahhh so happy :)
In the mood for a duvet day today!
P.S. HAHA, Joe cut his hair. R.I.P. curls and hello "Joehawk".
The six new songs are:
- Jump Then Fall
- Untouchable
- Forever & Always (Piano Version)
- Come In With the Rain
- SuperStar
- The Other Side of the Door
I know Untouchable and Come In With the Rain are older songs that haven't been released before, but it was still exciting hearing them! God I sound sad hahaha. The piano version of Forever and Always is heart breaking. In the original version, Tay sounds pretty angry about Joe and all that, but in this version, she sings with so much more emotion and you can really see how much he meant to her. Definitely going to try and learn it on piano! Jump Then Fall is so sweet as well, her voice sounds so cute! As well as SuperStar and The Other Side of the Door. Ahhh so happy :)
In the mood for a duvet day today!
P.S. HAHA, Joe cut his hair. R.I.P. curls and hello "Joehawk".
Saturday, October 24, 2009
'Letting Go and Holding Close to All the Things that Mean the Most'
So today I was reading a random page from the Daily Mail, when I suddenly stumbled across an article on Taylor Swift. As most people know, I really do LOVE her and admire her in so many ways: from how she stays so grounded, to her skillful songwriting techniques or to the fact that she's still driving the same car she had since she was fifteen, even after millions and millions of well earned dollars. She is beautiful, oh and how cool is the photo shoot taken in a vintage store down Portobello?! Love you Tay, but, screw you for coming to perform in England on a school night. Grrrrr.
I've just realised it's actually gone midnight, so it's technically Sunday, but I'm writting this post on behalf of Saturday....
Woo, half term, no school for a week! But I guess I'll be needing to do A LOT of work. For starters, I have to finish my English piece of coursework on comparing two different poems which I haven't even started typing up.. Then I have to revise for a physics GCSE mock and a chemistry GCSE mock for the first week back. Also, I have to revise for a history assessment, finish off all my IT coursework and if I have time, possibly revise a little for the philosophy and ethics GCSE mock we have first day back. I'm not too bothered about that as I'm not even taking the actual exam in January so who really cares what I get in the mock? Looks like it's going to be a busy, busy, busy week ahead!
Today I went to Basingstoke with Amy and had a brilliant day, couldn't have been better :) Haha we saw some of the guys at the station on the way there and they were going to have a competition in Basingstoke on who could get the most numbers which is pretty pathetic haha, Stephen won- surprise, surprise? So Amy and I sat by the toilets on the way there and it stunk of poo haha, but then Dom came and sat with us because his friends ditched him. Well there were five of them, and they took up four seats so poor Dom had no other option but to sit with us. Once Amy and I arrived, I went to Smith's to get Teen Vogue and then we went to Tesco to get some lunchie. Then went to Topshop to return some stuff and went to the cinema to see Up! It's an amazing film, like seriously, it doesn't look that good. But honestly, it's such a good film. I cried SO much while watching it! It's got to be one of my favourite films now :) So after we got out of the cinema, we went round some shops quickly. I didn't buy much, just some make up for Halloween. Woo, we're having a Halloween partay round Clare's.
Got home, had some dinner and then watched X Factor. Ewwwww, I hate Rachel. Hope she goes tomorrow- and what the hell was she doing at the end of her performance? Like the whole, "Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Love you Dannii babes. Oh my God. So happy. Oh my God. I'm well gonna get through tomorrow." SHUT THE HELL UP. Trying to copy Stacey much? And her hair's still disgusting even if she has changed it hahaha. Then I watched Camp Rock for like the gazillionth time. Can't wait for Camp Rock 2 !!!! Ha, and today is FOUR weeks until the JB concert :) But that also means, just over four weeks until I have my German speaking exam.
Going to go now and do some reading.
I've just realised it's actually gone midnight, so it's technically Sunday, but I'm writting this post on behalf of Saturday....
Woo, half term, no school for a week! But I guess I'll be needing to do A LOT of work. For starters, I have to finish my English piece of coursework on comparing two different poems which I haven't even started typing up.. Then I have to revise for a physics GCSE mock and a chemistry GCSE mock for the first week back. Also, I have to revise for a history assessment, finish off all my IT coursework and if I have time, possibly revise a little for the philosophy and ethics GCSE mock we have first day back. I'm not too bothered about that as I'm not even taking the actual exam in January so who really cares what I get in the mock? Looks like it's going to be a busy, busy, busy week ahead!
Today I went to Basingstoke with Amy and had a brilliant day, couldn't have been better :) Haha we saw some of the guys at the station on the way there and they were going to have a competition in Basingstoke on who could get the most numbers which is pretty pathetic haha, Stephen won- surprise, surprise? So Amy and I sat by the toilets on the way there and it stunk of poo haha, but then Dom came and sat with us because his friends ditched him. Well there were five of them, and they took up four seats so poor Dom had no other option but to sit with us. Once Amy and I arrived, I went to Smith's to get Teen Vogue and then we went to Tesco to get some lunchie. Then went to Topshop to return some stuff and went to the cinema to see Up! It's an amazing film, like seriously, it doesn't look that good. But honestly, it's such a good film. I cried SO much while watching it! It's got to be one of my favourite films now :) So after we got out of the cinema, we went round some shops quickly. I didn't buy much, just some make up for Halloween. Woo, we're having a Halloween partay round Clare's.
Got home, had some dinner and then watched X Factor. Ewwwww, I hate Rachel. Hope she goes tomorrow- and what the hell was she doing at the end of her performance? Like the whole, "Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Love you Dannii babes. Oh my God. So happy. Oh my God. I'm well gonna get through tomorrow." SHUT THE HELL UP. Trying to copy Stacey much? And her hair's still disgusting even if she has changed it hahaha. Then I watched Camp Rock for like the gazillionth time. Can't wait for Camp Rock 2 !!!! Ha, and today is FOUR weeks until the JB concert :) But that also means, just over four weeks until I have my German speaking exam.
Going to go now and do some reading.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
'Run Your Hands Through Your Hair, Absent Mindedly Making Me Want You'
First of all, the title of this post is not only a lyric, but something Alex and I saw tonight ahhhhh ha :)
Secondly, how cute are the brand new Fifi Lapin Christmas cards for Topshop? Love them to bits, plus she's wearing all Topshop clothes on the cards ahaa AND the money goes to charity. Will definitely be stocking up on some of these soon... The ones my mum bought for me from John Lewis are far to gay, for my liking anyway. Also, it's the Topshop sale.. GROAN. I mean I found some really nice stuff for a good price, but I swear every time Topshop has a sale online, the clothes sell out within a minute. So fricken annoying! I mean in the store's the sale is usually mmkay, but it's just online. Grr. Shame we don't have a Topshop in Fleet!
Anyway, I swear I'm using Blogger less and less everytime. I haven't posted in like three days. I guess I've just been really busy. There's been lots of coursework, homework and lots of revision for tests as well. Guess I'm going to have to get used to it!
Had double history today which was okay, did a lot of writing though so mehhh. Then double PE. Kelly, Amy and I swapped groups today so we did squash. It was my first time ever haha. It was actually really fun! I had to play against Michelle for like 3 minutes though. But then heroic Kelly came into the court and played against me and poor old Michelle got kicked out lol and then she ran onto the balcony thing swearing at us. Nice. Ahahaha and then Kelly was forced to play against Michelle by Pengellanator. Talking of Michelle, she has this massive painting she did which is a complete fail of Mrs Auld hahaha. It's actually hilarious! It wasn't meant to be Mrs Auld but it does look a bit like her. Anyway, I should stop rambling on about bloody Michelle Brooks. Ooh and YESSSSS. I've swapped French for geography today and Kelly's swapped German for PE. But becuase I've swapped, I'll also have to move German classes so my timetable can work. :( After lunch (where I slapped Kelly's peachy arse twice and sang a new version of You're Not Sorry) we had English. Wrote part of the conclusion to our essay and we have half term to finish it. Now we're doing freakin' pre 1900 prose crap. While Miss Chow was reading Charles Dickens, I actually fell alseep. Like properlly. I can't explain how I did it, but you like put your hands above your eyes and your hair over your face so the teacher doesn't notice you're actually sleeping. Then I had a science test on heat transfer where Jess copied like all of the last page.
When I got home did some coursework and then had a quick dinner and then I was off to school again! Helping at the year 11 parent's evening. Mrs Goss said it was really good for prefect application forms so a few people helped out. It was actually really fun! Alex and I spent half the time going round following people pretending to ask teachers for tea and coffee just to see them ahaha. And waited ten minutes by Miss Timms to ask her what she wanted to drink. "Oh his dad's wearing ankle swingers" and "OI BARB, YOU WANNA COFFAY?". What a night it turned into :)
I'm going to go revise a little for tomorrow's chemistry test on hydrocarbons and blaaa.
See you soon
Monday, October 19, 2009
'How Many Torn Photographs I Saw You Taping Back'
Ahh, sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I've been really busy..
Friday had a long boring day at school. Half the people were on the art trip so not that many people were in. But after school I had Robyne's party. Was realllly good and had a lovely time with the girls :) We raved in her amazing attic haha. It's massive. Had pizza, pringles and talked about crap. Just the normal. Then went super hyper in the middle of the night haha and didn't sleep until ages lol.
Got back from Robyne's party and pretty much slept for the whole day cause I needed to catch up on so much sleep. Then woke up, had dinner and then watched X Factor. My God I do love those two twins John and Edward.. They're amazing. Love them even though everyone hates them!
Lazy day! Stayed at home all day in my pyjamas haha and caught up on some homework and coursework and that was pretty much it!
Well it was Robyne and Alex's birthdays today :) SCHOOL. Ahh. First we had English. Miss Chow picked me to read my work again. I'm getting proper sick of it. That's been my fifth time she's chosen me and some people she hasn't even chosen once for goodness sake! Then we had Jeffrey and he was in a right mood, the old arse! He was telling everyone off, it was rather funny hahaha. We have a science test tomorrow though with him on energy. Double French was absolute poo. I think I'm going to swap French for geography. I really hate French with a passion. At lunch Giulia, Alex and I went in to the library to go see someone hahaha. Then I had IT AS, we need to hand in all coursework by the end of this week! And the day finished off with maths. Didn't learn a thing, but Nathanael and I had fun playing with "wondertape" ahaha.
Aww, anyway, I love this top from Topshop :) I saw it last week in London and was thinking about buying it but didn't in the end.. Now I really want it ahaa. So cute!
I have to go revise for the science test and finish off coursework etc..
Keep bouncing hahaha, if you haven't by now, you should watch this video and then you'll understand me ;)
Friday had a long boring day at school. Half the people were on the art trip so not that many people were in. But after school I had Robyne's party. Was realllly good and had a lovely time with the girls :) We raved in her amazing attic haha. It's massive. Had pizza, pringles and talked about crap. Just the normal. Then went super hyper in the middle of the night haha and didn't sleep until ages lol.
Got back from Robyne's party and pretty much slept for the whole day cause I needed to catch up on so much sleep. Then woke up, had dinner and then watched X Factor. My God I do love those two twins John and Edward.. They're amazing. Love them even though everyone hates them!
Lazy day! Stayed at home all day in my pyjamas haha and caught up on some homework and coursework and that was pretty much it!
Well it was Robyne and Alex's birthdays today :) SCHOOL. Ahh. First we had English. Miss Chow picked me to read my work again. I'm getting proper sick of it. That's been my fifth time she's chosen me and some people she hasn't even chosen once for goodness sake! Then we had Jeffrey and he was in a right mood, the old arse! He was telling everyone off, it was rather funny hahaha. We have a science test tomorrow though with him on energy. Double French was absolute poo. I think I'm going to swap French for geography. I really hate French with a passion. At lunch Giulia, Alex and I went in to the library to go see someone hahaha. Then I had IT AS, we need to hand in all coursework by the end of this week! And the day finished off with maths. Didn't learn a thing, but Nathanael and I had fun playing with "wondertape" ahaha.
Aww, anyway, I love this top from Topshop :) I saw it last week in London and was thinking about buying it but didn't in the end.. Now I really want it ahaa. So cute!
I have to go revise for the science test and finish off coursework etc..
Keep bouncing hahaha, if you haven't by now, you should watch this video and then you'll understand me ;)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
'Untouchable Burning Brighter than the Sun'
Today at school we got some rather exciting news about whether we'd like to be part of the Model United Nations. Robyne, Clare and myself have decided to go as a group together. We've put down France, Italy and Greece, first, second and third respectively. So yeah hopefully we do get France! If we do, time to throw on that Breton Shirt and a beret!
I had double history today. My God, Miss Kenny is a right ol' laugh! Haha! We have to do role plays as well and I'm with Natalie, Ian and Tom Gallagher- so funny hahahaha. Natalie has to put on her Sméagol/Gollum voice and accuse Tom of stealing her cow. It's actually hilarious lol. Then I had double PE which was pretty boring and at lunch we had the MUN meeting in the hall. In English we've began writing our structure paragraphs for the essay and Miss Chow picked me AGAIN. That's like the fourth time she's done that and she hasn't even picked Kelly to read her work once grr. And then the day ended with Jeffrey. Lovely. Not.
Once I got home, my new coat from Topshop had arrived which fits pretty well and the floral top arrived as well. Like them both. Now I have to re-order the booties which don't fit and return them. Then I watched the latest episode of Jonas as I've only just had time to. It was hilarious! The one about the haunted firehouse hahahha. Kevin's such a pussy. Bless him. Then watched the interview with Tay on Opera which was just sweet it made me teary. I love them both with all my heart.
Anyway, how sweet is the charm bracelet photo with the apple? Shame it's £1610!!!! And I thought Accessorize was expensive! But then again, you can't really compare Accessorize to Tiffany can you haha?!
I think that these two charms are so cute. Would look sweet if I added them on to the necklace I got there. Just have to keep dreaming haha.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
'In the Middle of the Night When I'm in this Dream'
I was sick today, so didn't go in to school. Apparently they had the cancer jab things today, I'll have to get mine some other time. Robbypoo was off as well. But everyone said when the needle goes in it doesn't really hurt, but like a few hours later it starts throbbing and aching. So looking forward to it- not! So while everyone was getting injected, I drank Vitamin Water and watched Gossip Girl- really good episode. Gutted Georgina haha. And also 90210 which was really good as well! Jasper- what a creeeep. But then I was really tired and not hungry so pretty much slept for the whole day. Now I'm not tired at all lol. But I have a science homework sheet to do. Meh.
My Breton shirt arrived today and so did my new booties. But guess what? The booties are way too small and the shirt is really big, so I'll either have to get my mum to adjust it or exchange it. What is it with me and having to always exchange and return things?
Anyway, I love the chocolate Marc by Marc Jacobs satchel. The gold swallow/bird plates are just too sweet.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
'Until the Lights Burn Out'
Today was an inset day, no school! So I went shopping in London instead of boring old lessons with Sian, Clare, Robyne, Natalie and Amy. It was so good! Had such an amazing time with them, awsome day. Did a spot of shopping as well obviously. From Topshop on Oxford Street, I found a complete steal! These floral shorts that were sold out ages ago and they used to be £35, I got them for £10. Bargain much? Also, bought a pencil case from there similar to the second photo and three pairs of earrings which are very sweet. And, because I'm such a good friend, I even paid £10 for half of Amy's top because she didn't have enough money. In Hollister, I bought a really cute vest, even though I said I wouldn't buy anything from there after New York ahaha. Obviously not! Ohh, and in HMV, I bought a massive Jonas Brothers poster to go on the inside of my wardrobe :)
So us six left Fleet at 9.10, even though Amy VERY nearly missed the train! And we arrived at Waterloo an hour later, then went to Westfield straight away. We stayed there and had lunch in Nando's which was very yummy. Even though I only had two bites of my meal because Natalie and Amy stole all my side orders and half my chicken haha. Then we went around a bit more and then at around 2, we left for Oxford Street. First shop we went to there was Topshop obviously. Was soooo good! I wanted so much haha. Then after going round Oxford Street for about two hours, we went to Clare's bag shop in Camden Town, and then we went home. Oh and also, I tried on the coat I want from Topshop and it's really nice! Love it!
Must so something similar to today sometime soon! Gah, but not looking forward to school at all tomorrow, plus I'm feeling major sick.
Monday, October 12, 2009
'Seems Like We're Holding on Forever'
Bonjour.As you may know, I bought a coat from Topshop last week but it's too big and the lengths really short. So I browsed through the Topshop website and have found a coat I like, the photo above. And will be buying that and returning the coat I bought before :]
So today I had English first which was actually HILARIOUS with Ben having to sit next to Michelle because Vikki stole mine and Kelly's seats so Kelly stole Ben's seat so he had to end up next to Michelle. Poor him. Anyway he started having this massive rant in front of Miss Chow next to Michelle which was funny as! Also, Jake's changed my name from Henchleen to Trenchleen now. To be honest, I quite like it. Then we had science with Jeffrey and I didn't learn anything form the experiment he was doing because Kelly was constantly trying to bum me, tickle me, stroke me, draw on my face, show me her fat chicken belly and the usual. But it was so funny hahahahaha. Had double Francais next and we did so much work, learnt lots of new vocab on "mariage opinions" haha. Then at lunch Kelly was being an idiot. And I had IT next which was actually alright! I was pretty impressed I finished the work before Andrew and Katherine aha and got two house points lalala. Bragging much? And maths was crap.
Anyway, very excited about tomorrow's shopping trip to London with the girlies, cannot wait! :)
Au revoir
Sunday, October 11, 2009
'In This Moment Now Capture It Remember It'
So I've only just checked out this month's cover of Teen Vogue and it's Chanel Iman and Jourdan Dunn. How sweet do they look? I thought Jourdan was pregnant though? I guess this shoot was done a few months ago then. I shall need to buy this issue on Tuesday.
If you read my post from yesterday, I was stuck between either buying an Original Breton Shirt or a stripy top from Topshop with buttons on the shoulders. I went for the Original Breton Shirt instead because:
- It wasn't too much more than the one from Topshop.
- The Topshop one was probably gonna fall apart after one wash.
- Better quality than Topshop and warmer.
Anyway, today I have loads of homework to do! I have to:
- Write a French essay thing.
- Type up my English coursework essay.
- Finish IT coursework which is A LOT.
- My Maths
- Like 30 questions on quadratics for maths
- Oh and I need to practice piano.
But yes, I'm in a workish mood today, so hopefully I'll be able to get everything done!

Also, I'm in love with this bracelet from ASOS for £7 in the sale. It's a New York City one with charms like the traffic lights, the "DON'T WALK" signs, a big apple, pizza- so cute! Shame I didn't see anything similar to this when I was actually there :(
Saturday, October 10, 2009
'Heres To You and Your Temper'
Okay so today I woke up and like literally everything I ordered from the internet in the past week arrived, excluding my new booties and a top. My coat from Topshop came, but it's slightly big, so I need to return it and exchange for another size. Also got and this military crop jacket thing from Topshop as well. A load of stuff from Artbox came (first pic shows some of the stuff I ordered). I spent like £35 on there ahaha. Robyne's presents came, which were basically a load of goodies from Artbox and I wrapped it up and wrote the card and shizzle. Also, Lisa's presents came. Got her three DVDs, need to post it on Friday or next Saturday so it will get to her in time!
Today I stayed at homies all day which was boringgggg. I was so bored I helped my mother clean out the fish tank. It took like two hours. FAIL. But we danced and sang along to my Taylor Swift CD at the same time haha, how embarrassing of my mum! And like the internet was down for half the day so my dad was trying to fix that. Ooh but I ate some strawberry Pocky Sticks which I hadn't had in ages. I love how England are trying to copy to copy it with Mikado Sticks. POCKY IS THE ORIGINAL MMKAY? Haha, I have a passion for Pocky, especially the strawberry ones :)
Anyway I have loads of homework to do tomorrow which is a major bummer. But so happy it's inset day on Tuesday and it's going to be such a good day with the girls :) Can't wait. And also majorly happy because I sold my "Kiss of the Vampire" t-shirt from Topshop on Ebay, and I've just made £50 from it!!! I bought it for only like £18 haha.
Also it's the ASOS sale, really want this skirt, it's £15 and the striped top is from Topshop £18, thinking of buying it on Tuesday dans Londres seeing as I am too poor to afford a real Breton shirt, but then again, a real Breton shirt is only £10 more than the Topshop one... Hmmm... DECISIONS!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
'When You're Dreaming With A Broken Heart'
I'm getting majorly over-excited about John Mayer's new album Battle Studies! It's been THREE years since Continuum. Particularly excited about hearing the track "Half of My Heart" featuring Taylor Swift, especially after watching the performance where John and Taylor sing "White Horse" and "Your Body is a Wonderland" together at Taylor's show in Staples Center in May. It was soooo good. I would have done anything to have been there! Why can't they come to England more often? John Mayer's newest single is "Who Says" which is the first photo. :)
Also, it's like nineteen days until Tay's Platinum Edition of Fearless comes out!!!!!!!! With SIX new songs... One of them including a PIANO version of "Forever and Always" Oh my God I am so excited!
But yeah school was really boring today. About half the people were on the geography trip at the beach so barely anyone was in our lessons. Double history was okay, we watched this video thing with Tony Robinson and there was this massive chav in the video and Natalie and I were just laughing our heads off haha. And because like no one was in, I did ping-pong in PE today. Me, Tegz, Katherine, Matt, Ewan, Kam and Carl had like this massive table tennis attack across the room where we were just whacking the balls at each other really hard hahha. Was a lot of fun! And also we were allowed music on and "Party in the U.S.A." came on and I was actually having a spaz attack lol. Then in English I sat next to Kelly and we did no work hahaha but the class was like silent lol. Michelle was being an idiot as usual. Then Miss Chow picked on me to read out my work, luckily I had a paragraph written from the previous lesson so I at least had something to read out! I swear she always picks on me to read out! It's not fair. Oh yeah and Kelly forgot to do Jeffrey's science homework so she had to copy it off me in English. But Jeffrey never collected the books in when we had science hahah. Lauren and I fell asleep during the video. No joke. Haha and then Ewan and I had an in depth conversation about gingers haha and other stuff.
Ahhh done all my homework so I'm freeeeeeeeeee :)
Au revior
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